Preecha ( 10 years ago )
I'm glad you're doing well with the health proragm! I have been following your blog since the Penn. days, and really enjoy reading your comments. I have moved to Middle Tn. on some land in the last year from the Pacific NW, and have also lost weight due to labor on the farm. My wife is an excellent cook and we have been watching what we eat for many years. Now we can also grow some of what we eat!
Cora ( 10 years ago )
It all depends on what I am doing, or pninlang to do. If going to a hot spring, I can be naked take temperature down the 40 s, and if I am going to be active, such as hiking, I can take temperatures down to about 60. If I am just going to be sitting around or swimming in one of the local Rive4rs here in Oregon, , I prefer mid 70 s or higher. I am originally from los Angels and am definitely wrm blooded. To me clothing is for either warmth or protection. If it does not fulfill one of those needs, it isn't needed (or wante4d).
Dwass ( 10 years ago )
Hi Melissa, I am the only one in my family that eonyjs being clothes free. I would like my wife to join me, but for some reason she doesn't feel comfortable or she has somthing else to say like why? I am not a member of any like AANR, or Minnesota Naturist. I am a home nudist and have been one for a number of years. We don't have any place close to my area that is private or secluded. I lived south of Mankato, MN. and as far as nudist friends there are none. As far as starting a conversation on nudity/naturism without people thinking your some kind of weirdo how would you start? Hope you can help.Thanks
Text comments (3)
I'm glad you're doing well with the health proragm! I have been following your blog since the Penn. days, and really enjoy reading your comments. I have moved to Middle Tn. on some land in the last year from the Pacific NW, and have also lost weight due to labor on the farm. My wife is an excellent cook and we have been watching what we eat for many years. Now we can also grow some of what we eat!
It all depends on what I am doing, or pninlang to do. If going to a hot spring, I can be naked take temperature down the 40 s, and if I am going to be active, such as hiking, I can take temperatures down to about 60. If I am just going to be sitting around or swimming in one of the local Rive4rs here in Oregon, , I prefer mid 70 s or higher. I am originally from los Angels and am definitely wrm blooded. To me clothing is for either warmth or protection. If it does not fulfill one of those needs, it isn't needed (or wante4d).
Hi Melissa, I am the only one in my family that eonyjs being clothes free. I would like my wife to join me, but for some reason she doesn't feel comfortable or she has somthing else to say like why? I am not a member of any like AANR, or Minnesota Naturist. I am a home nudist and have been one for a number of years. We don't have any place close to my area that is private or secluded. I lived south of Mankato, MN. and as far as nudist friends there are none. As far as starting a conversation on nudity/naturism without people thinking your some kind of weirdo how would you start? Hope you can help.Thanks